Hi, thanks for stopping by my site, let me tell you a little about myself and my company, Rock Solid Jade.
I formed the company in 1991, previous to this I had been a collector of Jade. My saga started in the early 80’s when I was living on the Big Sur Coast during the first El Nino. Due to the large storm surge the ocean floor got deposited on the beach and some of it was JADE! With all roads closed due to mud slides, collecting Jade on the beach was the only entertainment in town, I went from cabin fever to Jade fever and no matter how much I had, I wanted more.
I am now a confirmed Jade-aholic.
I started doing Gem & Mineral and Arts & Crafts shows in 1991 and currently do 20 plus shows a year mostly along the central California Coast, the Bay Area and in Tucson. My favorite show is one I not only attend but am also one of the organizers … the Big Sur Jade Festival which takes place every October. I’m also an active member of The Friends of Jade (www.friendsofjade.org) run by Fred Ward.
We carry a full line of Jade
… from Rough, Slab, Cabs, Finished Gold and Silver Jewelry and Carvings… from many locations worldwide…
Asia, Guatemala, Canada, California, Wyoming and Siberia.We also carry many other gemstone products including
Fire agate, Charoite, Turquoise and many other stones.
We also offer carving, cabbing, faceting and bead making service.Please note we practice fair trade polices and try and deal directly with the people making the products rather than big factories, this is where my 34 years of beating the back streets of Asia and other world wide locations gets you many of the one of a kind products I carry.
Thanks for taking the time to stop in, be sure to check the rest of my site.